Market Research & Strategy

Market entry strategy, Market intelligence, Global strategy and International trade


As the starting point of any country strategy, a market research study should be considered as an integral element of the entry cost. Investment in reliable market intelligence at the outset could save costly mistakes later on.

What are the prospects for the market?
How are prices and yields moving?
In which sectors is there excess demand and where is there possible over-supply?
Invest in primary or secondary cities?

Our market research studies appraise the key drivers, the opportunities and the risks in the macroeconomic and sectors. We draw heavily on MarketMetrix™ our proprietary model of price and demand data to provide a reliable view of market conditions.


International Trade & Global Strategy;

We partner with you to identify how to best execute your international market entry and expansion. Starting with market research and analyses we objectively assess platform and network capabilities in each region. We are also partnering with the leading local and global technology platforms and networks to bring the best impact to your marketing strategies.

Our marketing strategy development based on deep insight of the market with rigorous research and based on the following framework;

Market Research

Business Intelligence

Foreign Trade Intelligence

Market Segmentation

Strategic Positioning

Brand Development

Marketing Plan Development

Marketing Mix Plan & Budgeting

Digital Marketing Planning & Management

Commercial Intelligence

Target Marketing


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